Get help with these legal support services.
We believe that everyone should have equal access to justice, and one way to empower everyone is by providing access to legal support services. While we cannot provide certain types of assistance to everyone, we recommend a variety of government agencies, social services, and nonprofit organizations to those in need of free legal services in Reno, Nevada, Washoe County, or Northern Nevada.
In addition to Northern Nevada Legal Aid, many other organizations offer free legal counsel and Nevada legal services to self-representing citizens. Look at the links listed in the sections below to learn more about Nevada’s non-legal and legal support services.

The Fine Print: What We Can And Cannot Offer
Northern Nevada Legal Aid offers assistance via phone, e-mail, and walk-in appointments on a first-come-first-served basis. All information provided on the NNLA website is for self-help purposes. However, it should not be substituted for a licensed attorney’s advice.
We continually update our website. However, we make no guarantees regarding the accuracy of the information herein. Northern Nevada Legal Aid is not responsible for the consequences resulting from using the information on this website. We recommend you verify all legal information with a licensed Nevada attorney.
Legal Support Services & Resources To Know
Understanding Nevada laws, court procedures, and your rights can be a complicated process. That’s especially true of individuals representing themselves in legal matters. Listed below are links to free legal services, resources, and free legal clinics in Nevada.
- ACLU of Nevada: A non-partisan legal organization concerned with advancing and defending every citizen’s civil rights and civil liberties in Nevada
- Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division: A division of the DOJ dedicated to upholding the constitutional and civil rights of all U.S. citizens, particularly the most vulnerable populations
- Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada: A nonprofit law firm that provides legal representation, advice, counsel, and education for parties who can’t otherwise afford an attorney
- Nevada Attorney General: The top legal authority in the state, the Nevada Attorney General’s Office is governed by Nevada Revised Statute Chapter 228
- Nevada Disability Advocacy and Law Center (NDALC): A nonprofit organization that helps disabled Nevadans protect their human, civil, and legal rights
- Nevada Legal Services: An organization that offers free legal services for low-income Nevadans
- Nevada Victims of Crime Program: Assistance for victims of violent crimes in Nevada, including immediate financial assistance for qualifying individuals
- Second Judicial District Court located in Reno, Nevada, for Washoe County: Information about court rules, procedures, requirements, forms, and more
- State Bar of Nevada: As the governing body of the Nevada legal profession, the State Bar of Nevada ensures legal professionalism and offers a variety of helpful programs, including pro bono legal representation
- Supreme Court Of Nevada Law Library: Offering physical and electronic copies of relevant legal documents, forms, and more for self-representing individuals
- Temporary Protection Orders For Domestic Abuse in Washoe County: Help for victims of domestic violence who wish to obtain protection orders
- Washoe County Bar Association: A local Northern Nevada legal association focused on furthering professionalism, ethics, and service in Washoe County legal matters
- Washoe County Public Defender: Free legal counsel for qualifying low-income Nevada residents for criminal matters such as felony, misdemeanor, and juvenile cases
Non-Legal Resources In Available In Northern Nevada And Beyond
Sometimes, legal issues spill into many areas of life. With that in mind, below, we’ve provided a list of notable non-legal support services for individuals in Nevada.
- Awaken Reno: A faith-based nonprofit in Reno dedicated to increasing awareness about commercial sexual exploitation and assisting victims of commercial sexual abuse
- CARE Chest: A not-for-profit agency offering free and discounted medical resources for vulnerable populations in Nevada
- Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada: A faith-based nonprofit assisting impoverished Nevadans with food, clothing, shelter, and much more
- Domestic Violence Resource Center: Providing free services (support groups, housing, legal referrals, etc.) for individuals experiencing family violence
- Food Bank of Northern Nevada: Providing free food and additional resources to low-income families, children, the ill, seniors living on a fixed income, the disabled, and many other vulnerable populations
- Nevada 211: A dedicated phone number for U.S. and Canadian citizens providing information and referrals to various organizations, including health, human services, and social services
- Nevada Center For Excellence in Disabilities (NCED): An organization dedicated to providing training, technical assistance, and consulting services concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence (NCEDSV): Offering advocacy, education, and support for organizations that assist victims of domestic or sexual violence across Nevada
- Nevada Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation (DETR): As the leading workforce development in Nevada, DETR supports workforce development, job placement help, training resources, services for the disabled, and investigates discrimination claims
- Nevada Urban Indians: Offering various medical and social services programs for American Indians, Alaskan Natives, and other underserved communities. The programs offered include medical clinics, mental health support, substance abuse help, and more
- Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living: An organization created by disabled individuals to help others with disabilities to enhance their skills and live an independent life
- Northern Nevada Hopes: Providing high-quality, affordable, mental health, medical, and support services for vulnerable populations in Nevada suffering from various issues ranging from chronic disease to addiction disorders
- Reno Housing Authority (RHA): Providing affordable housing options through various HUD-funded programs throughout Nevada. RHA also provides housing subsidies to thousands of low-income families each year
- Safe Embrace: As the largest and most inclusive safe house for sexual and domestic violence victims in the Reno-Sparks area, Safe Embrace offers shelter, transportation, housing assistance, counseling, and more
- Silver State Fair Housing Council: Helps with making reasonable accommodation requests, filing housing discrimination complaints with HUD, and more
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): A federal government agency assisting low-income households in securing rental housing, purchasing a new home, fighting housing discrimination, and much more
- Washoe County Public Guardian: Serving as a guardian by court appointment for vulnerable individuals ages 18 and older who cannot manage their financial and personal affairs independently
Self-Help Legal Resources For All
If you’re considering self-representation in legal matters, it’s essential to gather as much information as you can. Listed below are a few essential Nevada legal support services.
- Civil Law Self-Help Center: Working to increase access to the legal system via education, information, legal forms, community referrals, and other forms of support for self-represented individuals handling civil law matters
- Fair Debt Collections Practices Act: A comprehensive list of laws and rules concerning fair debt collection tactics and procedures for pursuing actions against violators
- Family Law Self-Help Center: Providing legal assistance for self-represented parties handling family law matters. Assistance includes but is not limited to legal information, completion of legal forms, community referrals, and more
- Nevada Courts Self Help Information: Legal information for self-representing individuals, including Nevada free legal aid, free legal help for prisoners, relevant law libraries, legal forms, etc.
- Nevada Revised Statutes: The official source for Nevada civil and criminal laws, procedures, penalties, and more for self-representing individuals